Interviewed by Jimdo Website

Hi guys!


Tuesday already here, and I kicked off the week yesterday by turning 25 years old! Halfway to 50 already:) Thanks to all friends and family for all the kinds messages, cards and phonecalls! Very much appreciated!


However the main reason for updating the blog today is that I thought you might want to check out a short, but sweet interview I did for Jimdo (the website) a couple of weeks ago. It got published on their website yesterday. It highligths a few training tips as well as my training/coaching philosophy.


Check it out by following this link:


Let me know what you think!


Have a goodt training week! In the rain if you live in Cardiff:) 

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Ana R. Alvarado (Thursday, 12 July 2012 21:58)

    Hi Monica,

    Happy belated birthday! It was a pleasure learning more about your training philosophy and your background. Thanks for participating!
